Chatting with a couple of friends the other day, it became clear that we don't always see ourselves the way other see us. In particularly, we don't always see the value we naturally give. For whatever reason we tend to see our shortcomings more readily than the areas we thrive. Not only that, we can question our contributions as being worthy or not. That's when a little outside perspective comes in handy.
(Disclosure: This site uses affiliate links. All products are chosen at my discretion and promoted as other blogs promote products that reflect the lifestyle of the blogger, brand, and ethos. I only post brands and items I support.)
(Disclosure: This site uses affiliate links. All products are chosen at my discretion and promoted as other blogs promote products that reflect the lifestyle of the blogger, brand, and ethos. I only post brands and items I support.)
In a safe space with people who accept and support you, there's an opportunity to share your truest thoughts about where you are and what you want to do. And in that space is also an invitation to ask for feedback. We did this with a small group the other day and it was incredible. What struck me most was how clearly others see you and your value, while you might be questioning what you can give to the world. Sometimes we know what we want or need to do, but just need someone outside of ourselves (and minds) to say it, or to see the value we are ready to offer. Have you had this experience? I encourage you to share what you are up to and ask for feedback if you are unsure of how you want to proceed. Many minds are better than one, and may also see you more clearly than you see yourself.